Kids usually can’t wait to grow up. They look forward to the freedom that comes with adulthood without realizing the difficulties that also come with it.

With every effervescent sip, we're offering more than just a delightful taste; we're giving teens a glimpse of what the future could hold. Yeah - some of them might feel silly, and they are... because when adulthood hits you, you never know what to expect. This isn't about prepping for what life has in store for you ahead; it's about having a playbook in your pocket when adulthood hits you with the unexpected. New car smell? How about new car taste. Think back to the time your pipes burst, you had a health scare, or you realized you were behind on taxes for the first time, as a young adult; As you cross into adulthood and the real possibilities and responsibilities of life begin, we are there with a prize for every twist, life throws your way. It's the reality of life at

18-full of potential, sure, but also full of those sudden, 'now what?' moments. Not a legal adult yet?-No problem. Your prize doesn't expire; claim it when turn of age and use it when you need it most. Fanta's got you covered, we're unlocking a cache of resources to tackle adult life's challenges. With every prize, we're not just celebrating your coming of age; we're handing you a lifeline for those inevitable adulting curveballs. Because with Fanta, the fizz isn't just in the bottle, it's in your step as you navigate life's surprises.

Cheers to adulthood!

       The more you drink β€” The more you succeed.       

Enjoy something you want. Get something you need.

AD: Gordana Jokanovic, Tim Goetze & Nik Sandevski
CW: Jessica Bickmann & Tim Goetze
Video Editor: Tim Goetze


